Connecticut Insurance Department Names New Captive Manager

October 5, 2012

Connecticut Insurance Commissioner Thomas Leonardi today announced that John C. Thomson, a veteran risk management specialist, will manage the new captive insurance regulatory unit.

Commissioner Leonardi said Thomson brings a strong, diverse background in risk management and that he will be a valuable asset in the department’s regulation of the growing captive industry in Connecticut.

The commissioner made the appointment announcement today during the Captive Insurance Education Symposium at the Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts, in Hartford, Conn. The event was sponsored by the Connecticut Insurance & Financial Services Cluster and the newly formed Connecticut Captive Insurance Association.

Thomson began his new position Sept. 28. Prior to joining the insurance department, Thomson was an editor for International Risk Management Institute, the publisher of Captive Insurance Company Reports.

Thomson also was the chief operating officer for energy industry captive, Oil Casualty Insurance, Ltd., and has held leadership positions with General Electric, Aetna, Cigna and Towers Perrin/Tillinghast, a Hartford risk management firm.

Governor Malloy’s special Legislative “Jobs Session” in October 2011 produced a major jobs bill that included revisions to the state’s 2008 captive insurance law, expanding the types of insurance that captives can transact in the state and establishing a special regulatory unit at the insurance department to focus on captives. As a result, the insurance department has licensed the state’s first two captive insurers in the past two months.