Connecticut Unveils ‘Insurance Checkup’ Campaign for Consumers

February 13, 2012 by

Consumers know what their premium costs every month, but not everyone really knows exactly what their homeowner or renter policy covers.

To help consumers be well prepared before they have to make a claim, Connecticut Insurance Commissioner Thomas Leonardi unveiled the insurance department’s new public awareness “Insurance Checkup” campaign, urging policyholders to annually review their coverage.

“In 2011, Connecticut consumers endured a number of natural disasters – record winter snowfall, Tropical Storm Irene and the damaging October nor’easter and many made claims with their insurers for the first time,” Commissioner Leonardi said.

“It is important that consumers take the time now to sit down with their agent, carrier or contact the Connecticut Insurance Department to thoroughly understand their coverage. Discovering that you are not covered after the trees come down, the roof collapses or the basement floods is much too late.”

The commissioner said the campaign features a 60-second public service video announcement that will air on local stations and can also be downloaded from the Department’s Web site and YouTube.

The commissioner stated that the campaign — along with educational resources and advocacy the insurance department offers — help the department carry out its mission of consumer protection.

“Our consumer affairs unit is always standing by to field questions or handle complaints on all insurance issues, including homeowner, auto and health care. The unit is staffed by examiners who understand the complexities of insurance and know the rules by which companies must abide,” Commissioner Leonardi said.

“Each year the unit recovers millions of dollars for policyholders who are wrongly denied claims and many others have their policies re-instated if they are unjustly canceled. If a policyholder feels they have been unfairly denied by their carrier, we want to hear about it.”

For help with insurance issues, Connecticut consumers can:

Ask a question or file a complaint online at the Connecticut Insurance Department’s website
Request an external review in health insurance disputes
Request arbitration in auto insurance claims disputes
• Visit the department’s “Be Prepared” consumer advisory section that is updated with seasonal risks
• Download consumer FAQs on health, homeowner and auto coverage
• Sign up for e-alerts from the department to get the latest news, warnings and rate changes that may affect premiums