New York City Police Officer’s Horse Suit Dismissed

June 24, 2011

A judge has reined in a New York City’s police officer’s lawsuit against the city over a mishap on horseback in 2004.

A Manhattan judge dismissed William Rozakis’ case this week.

Rozakis says the horse tripped on uneven pavement, fell and crushed him against a car while he was providing security for the Republican National Convention. His lawsuit faulted the city for the buckled roadway and sought unspecified damages.

The city said it didn’t have notice of a pavement problem.

The judge said a map that showed a “pothole or other hazard” at that spot didn’t match Rozakis’ description specifically enough to count as official notice.

Rozakis’ lawyer didn’t immediately return a call Tuesday. The city Law Department calls Rozakis’ injuries unfortunate but says the court reached the right decision.