William Palumbo Insurance Agency Forms Construction Divison

January 18, 2011

William Palumbo Insurance Agency, Inc. has formed a new division called Palumbo Construction Risk.

The new division will have expanded resources tailor made to the unique exposures and servicing needs of companies within the construction industry.

The focus of the new division will be on general contractors, heavy construction trades, specialty trades, and the new emerging “green energy” contractors.

The benefits of the new division include:

  • Team approach to risk management among underwriting, claims and risk/loss control specialties including access to specialized OSHA training.
  • Enhanced contractual risk transfer and audit procedure reviews
  • Pricing, coverage and services tailor-made for moderate, mid- and large sized construction accounts

Founded in 1932, the Palumbo Insurance Agency serves the insurance needs of 20,000 individuals & families and 2,000 small businesses through six Massachusetts offices located in Medfield, Franklin, Attleboro, Sandwich, Cotuit and Spencer.

Source: William Palumbo Insurance Agency