Pennsylvania Ponders Increased Auto Liability Limits

September 3, 2010

A new bill introduced to the Pennsylvania senate would double the minimum liability amounts of auto insurance policies in the state.

Current laws set minimum liability limits for bodily injury at $15,000 per person, and $30,000 for a group of people. Property damage has a minimum liability of $5,000.

The proposed change would mean drivers would be required to carry minimum bodily injury limits of $30,000 per person and $60,000 per group or people, as well as a minimum $10,000 in property damage coverage.

The bill was introduced in the senate by Democratic Senators Vincent J. Hughes, Daylin Leach, Christine M. Tartaglione, Wayne D. Fontana and Leanna M. Washington.

Tim Burris, chairman of Insurance Agents & Brokers of Pennsylvania (IA&B), said his group supports the move. “IA&B supports an increase in the minimum auto liability limits, although most of our members already advise their clients to take limits much higher than minimums to fully protect themselves.

“The current limits don’t stand up to today’s steep medical expenses,” he added “Plus, lower limits increase reliance on uninsured motorists’ coverage and shift the burden to adequately insured drivers, whose premiums increase.”