New Remote Staffing Firm for Insurance Agencies Launched

June 15, 2010

A new company that offers domestic, remote staffing services for insurance agencies and brokerages has opened in New York.

Work At Home Vintage Employees (WAHVE) says its business model is to employ skilled insurance industry retirees located throughout the United States to provide services that enable agencies and brokers to significantly improve profitability.

WAHVE says it can save agencies 40 percent on staffing and overhead costs.

Sharon Emek, co-founder, president and CEO of WAHVE, said the venture helps tap a growing pool of professional retirees. “The industry has been suffering from a shortage of qualified, well trained (and) insurance-literate employees,” Emek said. “This shortage will be exacerbated not only by the huge baby boomer population that is beginning to retire but by zero growth in the younger population. Agents and brokers also have highly paid staff spending up to 50 percent of their time doing process work.”


Source: WAHVE