New York Recovered $13.6M for Consumers in Second Quarter

August 6, 2009

The New York Insurance Department recovered $13.6 million in the second quarter of the year for consumers and health care providers who filed complaints with the department, according to the department.

Nearly 3,000 individuals filed complaints, which include health insurance, life and disability coverages as well as property/casualty insurance.

For the year, the state has recovered $22 million.

“With so many affected by the economic downturn, we will continue to work to make sure New Yorkers get full value for their insurance dollars,” said Gov. David Paterson. “Insurance is a promise to protect us at our most vulnerable, and New Yorkers can rely on us to protect them if insurance companies do not keep their promises.”

The department also said that, since the beginning of the year, it has worked on behalf of 247 consumers to have their insurance policies reinstated after companies canceled those policies.

The Insurance Department handles about 60,000 complaints and 200,000 calls to its hotline annually.

Source: New York Insurance Department