New Jersey Poll: More Confess to Texting while Driving

July 17, 2009

Text-messaging while driving may be against the law, but that hasn’t stopped New Jerseyans from thumbing it on the road.

A Fairleigh Dickinson-PublicMind poll on driving habits out Thursday finds the number of motorists who admit to texting while driving is up 40 percent from a year ago.

The poll, co-sponsored by the New Jersey Division of Highway Safety, finds one out of five drivers has sent a text while operating a vehicle.

However, the poll indicates use of cell phones while driving has leveled off. About one out of five drivers uses a hand-held cell phone regularly.

The poll of 951 New Jerseyans who report driving regularly was taken April 28 through June 1 and has a sampling error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points.