Merchants Offers New Personal Auto Policy in New York

January 9, 2009

Buffalo, New York-based insurer, Merchants Insurance Group, has launched a new personal auto product in New York.

The product, called Merchants Flexible Choice Auto, features significant rate reductions along with new underwriting eligibility criteria, rating variables and coverage, Merchants said. Flexible Choice includes 16 rating tiers, new geographic territories, a new class plan and new rating factors such as ratio of drivers to vehicles, vehicle age and body type.

Merchants is also offering many new discounts such as a paid-in-full discount, a discount for insureds who enroll in the company’s electronic funds transfer (EFT) payment program and discounts for those using a company car or having a new automobile. Policyholders with young drivers in their household may be eligible for the good student and minor child discounts. These new discounts are in addition to the safety discounts the company already offers.

Source: Merchants Insurance Group