Main Street Takes over Westfield’s Personal Lines Business in Delaware

January 7, 2009

Westfield Insurance will transfer its personal lines business in Delaware to The Main Street America Group’s NGM Insurance Co., Main Street said.

Westfield, which is headquartered in Westfield Center, Ohio, entered Delaware in 2000 through the acquisition of Old Guard. Westfield will continue to write middle market, small business accounts, agribusiness (including farm owners) and surety in the state.

“The new business we have obtained from Westfield, representing approximately $7 million in annual premium, builds on our current market share in Delaware and complements our company’s strategy of achieving scale to be a more effective competitor in the state’s property and casualty marketplace,” said Doug Eden, senior vice president of field operations for Jacksonville, Florida-based Main Street America.

The transfer of personal auto, homeowners and umbrella renewals is targeted for early second quarter 2009. Eden also indicated that many of Westfield’s Delaware agents already represent Main Street America, but several new agent appointments are expected over the next few months.