Starr Foundation Grants Massachusetts Art Institute $5 Million

July 8, 2008

The Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, Mass. has landed a $5 million grant from the Starr Foundation.

The money will be used to fund the directorship of Clark’s research and academic program.

Director Michael Ann Holly says the program, founded in 2000, has become known as a leading center for advancing the study of visual arts and educating art historians, professors and curators.

The new contribution will help defray the costs of regular visual arts conferences that draw participants from around the world.

It will also help with the cost of the Clark’s art library, one of the few art research libraries open to the public.

The Starr Foundation, founded in 1955 by Cornelius Vander Starr, who founded the world’s largest insurer — American International Group — makes grants in education, health care, public policy, culture and the environment.


Information from: The Berkshire Eagle,