NGM’s Mass. Auto Insurance Plans Include FAIR Plan Discount

March 20, 2008

The Main Street America Group’s NGM Insurance Co. (NGM) is making its new Personal Auto MVP and MVP Auto Elite products available to Massachusetts consumers under the new managed competition system that starts April 1, 2008.

Additionally, NGM said it will be extending a multi-policy discount to Personal Auto MVP insureds whose properties are insured in the residual market, the Mass. FAIR Plan. The company said it has received approval from the Massachusetts Division of Insurance for the discount, which can potentially reduce a policy tier by two, leading to premiums savings of 15 percent to 20 percent. The credit is available for new and renewal auto policies written after April 1, 2008.

“Auto reform has provided us with an opportunity to offer our best auto products at a very competitive price to Bay State drivers,” said Steve Berry, president of Main Street America’s New England Region.

Berry said the Personal Auto MVP, NGM’s primary auto product, features an average premium decrease of 7.6 percent. Approximately 70 percent of the company’s current Massachusetts insureds will be eligible for discounts off of their current auto insurance rates. Additional discounts may be available for drivers who have been free from accidents, equip their cars with anti-theft devices or safety equipment, are good students and/or insure their home with either NGM or our Main Street America Assurance Co., he added.

MVP Auto Elite, NGM’s new package of endorsements, provides additional coverage at minimal extra cost. NGM offers three levels of coverage—platinum, gold and silver—each with different benefits. MVP Auto Elite Platinum, for example, includes disappearing deductible; new auto replacement/loan lease gap coverage; and accident forgiveness. All three endorsements include 24-hour roadside assistance at no extra charge.

NGM Insurance Co. and The Main Street America Group