Encompass Adjusts Mass. Auto Rates for 2008

November 30, 2007

Encompass Insurance has further lowered its 2008 Massachusetts auto insurance rates for preferred risks by 5 percent, resulting in an overall statewide average decrease of 4.5 percent compared to the 3.4 percent in its original filing.

The insurer has also introduced several new coverage options and discounts that will be available effective April of 2008 when the state allows competitive rating. The new options include an accident forgiveness program and a good payer discount for those who pay their premiums on time.

Andrew Carpentier, regional marketing vice president, said Encompass Insurance will also conduct an analysis of market trends and make additional filings during the transition period from now until April if necessary.

Encompass sells through independent agents and is part of the Allstate Group.

Source: Encompass