New Residents in N.J. Must Now Register Vehicles Within 60 Days

October 2, 2007

New New Jersey residents now have 60 days to register vehicles with the state under a new law signed by Gov. Jon S. Corzine.

State law had allowed new residents to maintain their vehicle registrations with their previous home state. Sponsors said that made it easier for people to maintain registrations in states that had less stringent insurance and driving record laws.

“It’s a simple thing really,” said one bill sponsor, Assemblyman Douglas H. Fisher, D-Cumberland. “If you live in New Jersey and you drive in New Jersey, you should be required to register your car in New Jersey. End of story.”

Violators face fines of up to $250 for a first offense and up to $500 for subsequent offenses. They can have their vehicles impounded for up to 96 hours for third and subsequent offenses.