Hanover Offering Discounts in Mass. for Advanced Driver Training Course

September 27, 2007

As Massachusetts prepares to move to a more competitve auto insurance system, The Hanover Insurance Group announced it will offer discounts on an advanced driver training course for its policyholders and their family members in the state.

The Hanover’s customers who participate in the special course will receive a 10 percent discount off the regular price of the course and a 40 percent discount for each additional family member.

The program, run by In Control Advanced Driver Training, is the only one of its kind certified by the state of Massachusetts and has been shown to reduce crashes by 70 percent among participating drivers.

“We believe advanced driving education is helpful for drivers of all experience levels — in particular teens — and wanted to help promote this type of training throughout Massachusetts,” said Edward C. Ruhl, regional vice president at The Hanover Insurance Group. “It is our hope that policyholders who participate will benefit personally and encourage others to take advanced driver training as well.”

The four-and-a-half-hour course offers a series of drills through which participants experience highway speed emergency maneuvers that many seasoned drivers are often not prepared to handle. Other skills taught include how to handle tailgating, ABS break training and emergency lane changing at highway speeds.

In Control Advanced Driver Training was founded in 2003 by professional racecar driver Brandon Bogart in an effort to lower the number of accidents caused by driver error. This state certified closed course hands-on education was adapted from existing law enforcement training that Bogart has been instructing for more than a decade. In Control claims to have trained 5,000 students. The course is held on closed airport runways and other large paved areas where students are able to practice emergency maneuvers in a safe environment. In Control operates a fixed site facility at the South Weymouth Naval Air Station and a mobile classroom which serves locations throughout New England including Cape Cod, North Andover and Worcester, Mass.

In Control Advanced Driver Training

The Hanover