Jimcor’s Swartwout Receives Moll Scholarship from N.Y. Agents

January 30, 2007

The Professional Insurance Agents of New York State Inc. announced that Jennifer Swartwout received its Arthur I. Moll Memorial Scholarship award. Swartwout is an assistant underwriter for Jimcor Agencies Inc. in Plainview, N.Y.

PIANY presents the award, which honors Arthur I. Moll, past president of both PIANY and PIA National, to a PIANY member who is a full-time insurance professional with less than five years of experience in the insurance industry.

Swartwout will receive tuition to all five courses conducted by PIANY toward Certified Insurance Service Representative designation.

A member of the National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research, The Society of CISR is a not-for-profit organization that serves and educates all employees of insurance agencies, insurance companies or related businesses.

Source: PIANY