N.Y. Agents to Honor Harleysville’s Browne as CEO of Year

December 6, 2005

The Professional Insurance Agents of New York State Inc. will present Michael L. Browne, president and chief executive officer of Harleysville Insurance, with its Company Executive of the Year award at the 12th annual Metropolitan Regional Awareness Program, Jan. 19, 2006, at the New York Marriott Brooklyn.

Each year, this award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated qualities that foster a strong working relationship with agents and brokers, and who best exemplifies a commitment to professionalism and service.

Browne has served as Harleysville’s chief executive officer since 2004, and president since 2005. He has been affiliated with the company since 1986 when he joined the Harleysville Group Inc. board of directors.

Prior to being named Harleysville’s CEO, he was head of the international insurance practice group at the law firm of Reed Smith LLP, in Philadelphia, Pa., a position he had held since 2001. Before joining Reed Smith in 1983, Browne was the Insurance Commissioner of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania from 1980-83.

Active in the industry, Browne is a member of the board of governors of the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America, the board of directors of the Property Loss Research Bureau, the board of trustees of the American Institute for CPCU and the Insurance Institute of America, and the board of directors of the Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania.