M&A Services Expands to N.Y. City

March 18, 2005

Merger & Acquisition Services Inc., a financial intermediary and advisor to the insurance marketplace, is opening of a New York City office.

Merger & Acquisition Services Inc., (http://www.merger-acquisition.net) is a privately held company that represents both buyers and sellers in insurance related mergers and acquisitions. Specializing in shell company transactions, middle market going concern companies, books of business, reinsurance agreements and fronting arrangements, the firm said it completes 15 to 20 deals per year.

The new office is scheduled to open on March 21 and will be run by Jason Murgio.

“New York and the tri-state area is a logical place for us to expand our operations,” says David Schofield, president of M&A Services. “Given the number of insurance companies and investment groups located there, we believe this expansion will increase our ability to service our clients.”