Maryland Commissioner’s Task Force to Study Urban Auto Insurance Rates

February 10, 2005

Maryland Insurance Administration Commissioner Alfred W. Redmer, Jr. announced today the formation of a task force to study and review auto insurance rates in urban areas of Maryland.

“As a former legislator who represented part of Baltimore City, I understand the burden and frustration associated with high auto insurance rates and the resulting numbers of uninsured motorists. This issue is important for both Governor Ehrlich and the legislature and that is why the Maryland Insurance Administration is committed to bringing all parties together for a comprehensive review,” stated Redmer.

“During the past year, we have worked with State Senator Lisa Gladden (Baltimore City, 41st) on her Pay-As-You-Drive initiative. It is this type of innovative idea that will assist consumers in jurisdictions such as Baltimore City and Prince George’s County,” noted Redmer.

“We are expanding the scope of our work by creating a task force to identify and review potential regulatory and legislative recommendations. We will bring consumers, legislators, industry representatives, and independent actuaries together to achieve this goal,” continued Redmer.

Along with Sen. Gladden, Baltimore City legislators on the task force are Senator Joan Carter Conway (43rd) and Delegate Peter Hammen (46th). Prince George’s County legislators who are serving include Senator Gloria Lawlah (26th), Delegate Dereck Davis (25th) and Delegate Obie Patterson (26th).

The date and time of the first organizational meeting of the task force will be announced shortly.