N.Y. Insurance Officials Reach Out at Summer Fairs

August 10, 2004

New York Superintendent of Insurance Gregory V. Serio announced that insurance department specialists from the Consumer Services Bureau will be staffing information booths at the Erie County Fair, to be held August 11-22, and the New York State Fair in Syracuse, which will be held August 26 through September 6.

“These fairs are always great opportunities for the department to help New Yorkers become smarter insurance consumers,” Serio said.

The department’s consumer information booths will provide New Yorkers with an opportunity to ask questions concerning health, life, automobile and homeowners insurance. The booths will also have information on Healthy NY and information on how New Yorkers can become more educated in the fight against insurance fraud.

Insurance department specialists will also be handing out informational computer disks that provide consumer guides to health, auto, homeowners, and long term care insurance, as well as the small business guides for health and property insurance.

The Erie County Fair booth will be located at the International Agri-Center building. The booth at the State Fair in Syracuse will be located at the Verizon Center of Progress Building.