NHAIP Introduces EASi

February 5, 2004

A bulletin from the Professional Insurance Agents of New Hampshire reports that the state’s Automobile Insurance Plan (NHAIP) recently announced that it will implement “EASi-the Electronic Application Submission Interface,” effective Feb. 2, 2004.

It described EASi as “an electronic option for submitting applications on certain commercial risks.” The system excludes commercial risks in excess of 100 vehicles, as well as garage risks.

“EASi is an easy, cost effective way for certified producers to complete and submit commercial auto application data to the Plan via the Internet,” said the announcement. “Certified producers must print, sign and mail the resulting electronic version of the completed application to the Plan with the premium deposit payment and any other required supporting documentation.

“EASi offers benefits to the certified producer such as, access to the most recent approved application form available on line, producers will no longer need to maintain a supply of paper applications and there are edits built into the data entry screens so there should be a reduction in deficiencies.

“EASi is available to certified producers only. The Plan issues to each certified producer a unique EASi user ID code and password. Each certified producer should have received Circular PCP (NH) 04-01 that included a letter containing your unique EASi user ID code and password. If you did not receive this letter, contact the Plan office at (401) 528-1488 or by e-mail, nhaip@aipso.com.”