NY Notes Deadline for Holocaust Claims Filing Extended to December

September 5, 2003

New York’s Superintendent of Insurance Gregory V. Serio announced that the deadline for Holocaust survivors and their heirs to file insurance claims with the International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims (ICHEIC) in order to obtain benefits from any Holocaust-era insurance policies has been extended to December 31, 2003.

“The deadline was extended by ICHEIC Chairman and former Secretary of State Lawrence S. Eagleburger to allow the ICHEIC sufficient time to publish additional names of policyholders on its Web site and provide adequate time for the public to review the lists,” said the bulletin.

“Providing Holocaust victims with adequate time to retrieve what is rightfully theirs is of the utmost importance and the extension of the filing deadline affords these individuals the opportunity to determine if they have a basis for an insurance claim,” Serio stated.

The bulletin noted, “Since its inception in 1998 ICHEIC has managed a research effort to identify Holocaust victims and/or their heirs who may have unpaid life, education and dowry policies. In April 2000, ICHEIC first published names of policyholders and has updated it several times since. In total, nearly 450,000 names have now been published representing more than 500,000 insurance policies. ICHEIC member companies will contribute over 12,000 new names of policyholders over the next 1 to 2 months. The majority of these names will be provided from portfolios covering Eastern Europe, Italy and Switzerland.”