PIANY to Offer CE for N.Y., N.J. Agents at Hudson Valley RAP

August 7, 2003

The Professional Insurance Agents of New York State Inc. will hold a course that offers continuing education credits for both New York state and New Jersey independent agents at its first Hudson Valley Regional Awareness Program.

The Hudson Valley RAP will be Thursday, Oct. 2, at the Holiday Inn Suffern, N.Y. and will feature PIANY’s eighth annual CEO conference, which is co-sponsored by New York Insurance Association.

E-Commerce: Wired & Wireless Technology Coverage Issues, taught by Gerald Hargrove offers agents the opportunity to examine:
·The technology environment and exposures;
·The gaps and problems with traditional coverage options;
·If traditional policies can be designed to work in this new environment; and
·How to design coverage that properly addresses technology risks.

“The insurance industry evolves as new technology works its way into the insurance agents’ practices,” said D. Scott Liebert, chair of the Hudson Valley RAP and director for PIANY. “PIANY provides education courses that are timely and relevant to our agents’ needs and we are happy to offer this CE course to both agents in New York state and New Jersey.”

The Hudson Valley RAP also will feature a trade show with more than 20 exhibitors; the presentation of the Hudson Valley RAP Company of the Year and the Distinguished Insurance Service awards; a number of networking opportunities and the CEO conference, which will be held in the afternoon.

Admission is $75 per person for the full day or $50 per person for a half day.

For more information about the Hudson Valley RAP log onto:www.piaonline.org and type EC10009 for quick access through Quick-Link. To register for the event or to discuss sponsorship opportunities, contact Kim Zielinski at (800) 424-4244, ext. 230 or e-mail conferences@piaonline.org.