New York Central Mutual Tells PIANY Education and Technology are Essential

May 27, 2003

The Professional Insurance Agents of New York State Inc. met with representatives of New York Central Mutual Insurance Co. on May 22, as part of its continuing “Company Outreach Program.”

The discussion topics included the need to get tougher on auto insurance fraud, the role of technology and the education of consumers on insurance issues. The series has established an open dialogue with companies represented by the largest number of PIANY members.

“The purpose of this meeting was to discuss insurance issues that affect both agents and the insurance companies they represent,” stated PIANY immediate past President John W. Bailey, CIC, who established the Company Outreach Program Series. “By maintaining a strong relationship with each other, we will be able to work more effectively and efficiently.”

PIANY Company Relations Chairman Peter Demetriou and Industry Liaison Committee Member Paul Casciaro joined Bailey in discussions with New York Central Mutual President and CEO Dan Robinson and Senior Vice President Jeffrey Barrett.

The company indicated it is “pleased with its position in the New York state market and will continue to be an active player.” It expressed some concerns, however. At the top of the list are, “the 2 percent cancellation law and claim and premium insurance fraud. 3 New York Central said it “has taken a proactive approach in dealing with these issues.”

“We have taken a strong stance against auto fraud,” Robinson stated. “We have encouraged our employees to be creative where fraud is involved which has helped in fighting this issue.” The PIANY and the company representatives agreed that they need to work together to educate consumers on how fraud works and to let them know how much it affects honest policyholders.

Company representatives also noted that technology has become an essential tool in the insurance trade. The Internet not only serves to educate consumers and explain various insurance policies, but also needs to be used in making the insurance process simpler for both agents and insureds. To encourage greater Internet use it will be critical to get the agents’ Web page as the contact to the company. The bulletin noted: “This is still a people business and insureds need to have a comfortable feeling when dealing with insurance on the Web.”