PIANJ Contracts with New Jersey Skylands

September 3, 2002

The Professional Insurance Agents of New Jersey Inc. (PIANJ) and New Jersey Skylands Insurance Association (NJSIA) announced they had entered a contract maintaining agents’ rights relating to NJSIA.

Devised by both PIANJ and NJSIA, the contract upholds agents’ property rights to their records of business, retains agents’ rights to contact NJSIA members doing business through those agents, and recognizes agents’ rights to place expirations.

NJSIA, a not-for-profit, policyholder-owned reciprocal insurance exchange, is the automobile personal lines successor to The Camden Fire Insurance Association, a wholly-owned subsidiary of OneBeacon Insurance Group LLC. Through its subsidiary New Jersey Skylands Insurance Company, NJSIA will provide automobile coverage to policyholders of Camden Fire.

NJSIA is the lead company of New Jersey Skylands Insurance, recently formed by White Mountains Insurance Group Ltd. to restructure its New Jersey personal lines operations. NJSIA and NJSIC were granted Certificates of Authority by the Department of Banking and Insurance on August 2, 2002.

PIANJ encourages members with questions about their contract to discuss them with the company or contact the PIA Industry Resource Center at (800) 424-4244.