PIACT’s Company Performance Survey Evokes Responses from Insurers

June 17, 2002

James Pascarella, CPCU, President of the Professional Insurance Agents of Connecticut (PIACT) announced that the organization had received wide ranging responses from many insurers to its year long survey of independent agents on companies’ handling of claims, products and pricing, technology and marketing support.

{“Perhaps the most surprising results of the survey was the response we received from the companies,” stated Pascarella. “Every company we spoke with–even the ones that weren’t identified at the top of the list–said the results were useful as a tool to improve agency/company relations and customer service.”

The PIACT bulletin selected typical responses from NLC Insurance Cos., Progressive and OneBeacon.

“NLC Cos. has always prided itself for maintaining a strong working relationship with independent agents,” stated NLC Insurance Cos. President and CEO Judy S. Jackson. “PIACT’s survey helped us to verify what agents value in their relationships with their carriers. It’s our intent to continue to make improvements in our automated systems, procedures and programs with the primary goal of further improving service.”

Progressive representative Tom Hollyer stressed that his company, “is committed to a strong agency-company relationship. We continually ask our agents for feedback in order to provide them with the products and services that will help them attract and retain more customers.”

OneBeacon’s Connecticut Branch Manager Keith Powers indicated that, “We strive to make our business operations as fluid and favorable as possible; OneBeacon welcomes the kind of input PIACT’s member survey provides.”

“Overall, agents assigned the strongest performance ratings collectively to prompt issuance of renewals, providing competitive coverages, accessing someone to talk to at the company when necessary, fair claims payments, prompt claims payments, ease of using applications and forms, and prompt quotes,” noted Pascarella. “On both the agency and company side, a commitment should be made to build and better these connections. Our survey went a long way toward doing that,” he concluded.