W.R. Berkley Names Four VP’s to Head New Med Mal Excess Unit

May 8, 2002

W. R. Berkley Corp. announced the appointments, effective immediately, of Collin J. Suttie, Wayne Matthew (Matt) Fessler, Dianne L. Perry and Kimberley H. Willis as Vice Presidents of Berkley Medical Excess Underwriters, LLC, the company’s recently formed underwriting management unit specializing in medical malpractice liability coverage written on behalf of its affiliates, Admiral Insurance Company and Berkley Insurance Company.

Berkley gave the following background information on its new VP’s:

Suttie, 40, was most recently with Employers Reinsurance Corporation where he served as Global Claims Actuary responsible for the measurement of claim process improvement initiatives in the US, UK, and Europe.

Fessler, 43, was most recently with St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company where he was responsible for the strategic and operational leadership of the largest medical professional liability claim organization in the industry.
–Perry, 59, a registered nurse, was most recently Vice President, Clinical Risk Management Services, for Employers Reinsurance Corporation, responsible for developing and implementing a variety of health care risk management activities to support the efforts of heath care organizations across the country.
–Willis, 36, was most recently with AON Risk Services as Managing Director, Healthcare Syndication. During her 16 years at AON, her responsibilities included marketing, policy analysis, statistical loss analysis, product development, and financial evaluation of alternative risk vehicles, as well as designing programs for integrated delivery systems, multi-hospital systems, long term care providers, physician groups and managed care entities.

Berkley indicated that the Medical Excess Underwriters unit “will provide medical malpractice excess insurance and reinsurance coverage and services to hospitals and hospital associations that self insure their risks.” The appointments indicate that it’s on target to begin accepting business by July 1, 2002.