TowerStreet Adds More Internet Support for Agents

October 25, 2001

Windsor Conn.-based TowerStreet, a division of AMS Services Inc., which provides rating and underwriting services via the Internet, announced that it has added two new marketing partners, idNET and WAMMAC.

“idNET Provides agency-branded service applications, enabling policyholders to access agency databases via the Web or telephone and to process change requests and/or issue insurance forms,” said the announcement. The service has the endorsement of of the AMS Users’ Group and the IIAA.

WAMMAC stands for Web Application Marketing Management and Consulting, offering expertise in e-business development, channel development, distribution strategies and marketing.

Ed Olsen, Sr.VP and general manager of AMS rating products, indicated that TowerStreet’s services offered agencies the chance to “make a successful business better,” help with e-business or create Web sites. “All of our marketing partners have Internet expertise specific to insurance agencies,” Olsen said.