NY, NJ Agents Offer Winter Safety Tips

October 23, 2001

The presidents of the Professional Insurance Agents of New York (PIANY) and of New Jersey (PIANJ), John Bailey and Steve Reichman, have issued bulletins warning consumers of potential fire hazards, and offering safety tips for the cold months ahead.

The recommendations include: having your furnace inspected before winter to make sure that it’s burning cleanly and doesn’t emit potentially deadly carbon monoxide; checking the chimneys and stovepipes of wood burning fires and stoves and cleaning out deposits of creosote, which builds up in them, and can cause a fire if it ignites; holding fire drills, especially at night, and working out escape routes to follow in case of fire; installing smoke detectors, and making sure the batteries in them are changed regularly.

“The most tragic accident is one that easily could have been prevented. By following a few simple steps, you can reduce the chances of a fire destroying your home,” Bailey and Reichman said.

The bulletins also suggested several precautions people should observe on Halloween. Children should eat dinner first, carry flashlights, and be extra careful walking on roads. Parents should inspect any candy, etc. before their children eat it, throw out anything that looks suspicious and keep pets indoors. Drivers were warned to be extra careful that night.