Apply for Federal, State Help Even If Insured

October 16, 2001

The Federal Emergency Management Agency urged New Yorkers who’ve suffered losses related to the WTC disaster to register with it, and seek emergency assistance even if they are covered by insurance.

FEMA Coordinating Officer Ted Monette acknowledged in a written statement that “Insurance is the primary resource to help put your life back together after a disaster, but there are many things that insurance doesn’t cover. That is where federal and state disaster programs may be able to help.

The FEMA said its programs were there to help people who’ve been displaced from their homes, and to assist them in making the necessary repairs to enable them to move back in, and that there was no necessity “to wait for an adjuster before applying for aid.”

“In addition to temporary housing, and individual and family grants, assistance programs include disaster unemployment, low-interest loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration for homeowners, renters, businesses of all sizes and nonprofit organizations along with other aid programs,” said the Agency bulletin.

The first step in obtaining aid is to register with FEMA by calling 1-800-462-9029, or 1-800-462-7585 for anyone who is hearing- or speech-impaired.