NAII Praises Industry’s Efforts in Lower Manhattan

October 4, 2001

“Lower Manhattan — ground zero of the attack — is home to tens of thousands of New Yorkers,” said NAII Sr. Director of Claims Services, John Eager in a written statement that detailed the efforts insurers were making to help those in the area hit by the catastrophe.

“Auto and homeowners insurers are playing a critical role in helping these people recover from the financial losses suffered in the attack,” said Eager. “Many people affected have not been able to return to their homes since the disaster. If the had a car, it may have been damaged, destroyed or impounded as authorities secured the area. T

his event has seriously disrupted life in countless ways.”

“Insurers are making every effort to step forward and meet the claims handling procedures between the WTC disaster and other natural disasters.” Eager noted that, “The massive rescue and recovery effort and the criminal investigation have prohibited insurance ‘catastrophe teams’ from accessing many damaged apartment buildings and condominiums.” This has caused a disruption in normal claims investigations and payments, which Eager indicated insurers were prepared to modify or dispense with due to the extraordinary circumstances.