Maryland Tornado Losses Top $30 Million

October 1, 2001

The damage to public and private property from the tornado which ravaged Prince George’s and Howard Counties last week has been preliminarily estimated at $31.7 million.

No indications have yet been made concerning the amount of insured losses, but they are believed to be substantial. The University of Maryland was heavily hit. Twelve buildings suffered damages, and the total losses are around $15 million. There was also substantial damage to Potomac Electric Power Co.’s installations, numerous apartment buildings, private residences and automobiles.

The $31.7 million figure did not include the heavy damages suffered by buildings, laboratories, greenhouses and tree plantations of the USDA’s Beltsville Agricultural Research Center. These are estimated to be at least $41 million.

Maryland Governor Parris Glendening is considering asking the Federal Government for assistance by declaring a disaster area in the Counties hit by the tornado.