N.Y. No-Fault Insurance Anti-Fraud Summit Conference Scheduled

May 16, 2001

The New York No-Fault Insurance Anti-Fraud Coalition announced that it will hold a summit conference on May 22, 2001, in Albany, N.Y.

According to the organizers, program speakers will address two serious problems: staged accidents and medical mills. Among those encouraged to attend by the coalition are New York State Legislators; District Attorneys; the New York State Insurance Department; Office of Professional Misconduct; Office of Professional Discipline; Department of Health; Department of Criminal Justice; Insurance Trade Associations among other select invitees.

Seating is limited and by invitation only. For more information contact: Cynthia Skandis, Coalition Administrator, at (914) 699-2020, fax: (914) 699-2020, email: cynthia@cinn.com.

The coalition states that its mission is to raise awareness of the rampant fraud that plagues New York’s no-fault insurance system and its ultimate negative impact on New York’s consumers. Through its efforts, the coalition seeks to educate the insurance industry as a whole, New York State legislators, New York State governmental agencies, law enforcement, and the public generally. It is not the intention of the coalition to lobby for specific remedies or individual changes in law or regulation that will address these challenges. Rather, the objective is to define the scope of the problem and to identify a broad landscape of solutions.