Study Searches for Conn. Auto Rate Relief

May 2, 2001

Connecticut legislators are looking over a study, which deals with possible new ways to offer auto rate relief, including for urban area consumers who are hit with the highest bills.

According to a report in The Hartford Courant, looking at the driving record, allowing the state’s insurance commissioner greater power concerning rates, and changing the method for allocation of non-claim expenses, were some of the proposals which intrigued legislators following the release of the report by consultants.

The 118-page study was not intended to make recommendations, but presented courses of action, along with both positive and negative results, which could occur. While it’s not likely that the General Assembly will pass any legislation this session, Sen. John Fonfara (D-Hartford), co-chairman of a bipartisian auto insurance task force, feels the study will help move on proposals for the 2002 session.

One major area of concern is that many good drivers in the Constitution State’s cities are billed hundreds of dollars, sometimes thousands, more than suburban and rural consumers as a result of where they reside. One of the proposals being put forth is th consider driving history more than where a driver lives by changing the present restrictions on what accidents can be used to surcharge a driver’s premiums.