Connecticut Department Launches Public Service Campaign

September 14, 2000

Insurance fraud has a major impact on Connecticut consumers and businesses – to the tune of an estimated $1.9 billion annually. Health care scams, the most lucrative and most difficult to detect type of fraud, are estimated to cost a whopping $1.3 billion a year.

The Connecticut Insurance Department’s Fraud Unit will soon get a boost from a new Public Service Announcement to be released this week. The spot features actors discussing common misperceptions about purchasing insurance and tells citizens where to contact if they feel that they have been swindled in an insurance scam.

“Fraud can come in many forms, such as arson, staged auto accidents and health care schemes,” stated Deputy Commissioner Edward Krawiecki, head of the Fraud Unit. “Although we may not be the direct victim of an insurance scam, the effects of fraud hit us all – right in the pocket book.”

The Fraud Unit, established by the Insurance Commissioner in 1999, is in charge of alerting the general public to the dangers, and costs, of Insurance Fraud. The unit also coordinates fraud issues with state and federal agencies, consumers, insurers and law enforcement.

“Insurance fraud in Connecticut costs the average family approximately $1,800 in excess premiums annually,” stated Deputy Krawiecki. “Promoting public awareness is a large part of our job. If they are educated on these crimes, consumers have a chance of identifying and preventing insurance fraud.”

Hundreds of cases of insurance fraud were reported in the last year.