Penn. Hearings to Move to Pittsburgh, Philadelphia

September 11, 2000

The Pennsylvania Insurance Department will hold administrative hearings in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh to make the office more accessible to Pennsylvanians. In the past, consumers traveled at their own expense to Harrisburg for an administrative hearing.

The first regional hearing will take place in Philadelphia on Sept. 29. In a pilot program last year, the Administrative Hearings Office (AHO) held hearings in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia for consumers with automobile and homeowner policy terminations. An individual or company may request a hearing if they believe that an insurance policy was improperly canceled or not renewed, or that they were harmed by a department action.

The Administrative Hearings Office receives filings, conducts hearings and prepares adjudications in matters concerning insurance laws and regulations. Formal hearings also may be held on company rate requests, insurance policy forms, department enforcement actions, agency terminations, agent licensing matters, appeals from rating organizations, denials of automobile Catastrophic Loss Benefits and other matters under the jurisdiction of the Insurance Commissioner.