Massachusetts DOI Web Site Blasted by Consumer Watchdog

June 13, 2000

The Massachussetts Department of Insurance plans to roll out a new web site next month, replete with a downloadable complaint form. But that hasn’t stopped a Boston attorney from declaring the site “useless.”

The attorney, Jason Adkins, is also an insurance industry watchdog. He recently published a survey of state departments of insurance web sites, ranking six sites as “excellent,” 13 as “good” and 23, including Massachusetts, as “poor.”

Two states and the District of Columbia, do not have such sites. Adkins based his rankings on such criteria as whether the sites provide consumer complaint information on auto and homeowners insurance companies, and whether consumers can file a complaint online.

The Massachusetts site provides neither of those. The six states with the highest rankings were Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine and Missouri, which all received excellent ratings.