Vendor Referrals 2.0

August 5, 2002

First Notice Systems, a Boston-based provider of claim reporting solutions to the insurance industry, released Vendor Referrals 2.0, a pathing engine offering third-party services to an insured at the time of loss report. This release builds on previous company technology to offer expanded vendor functionality and flexibility to clients of ClaimCaptureâ„¢, the company’s Web-based claim intake platform. When an insured calls to report a loss, they often need help returning their property to pre-loss condition or in locating services such as towing, car rental, or auto body repair. Usually with little or no previous experience from which to draw, an insurer’s customers eventually find vendors spread across spectrums of price and quality of service. Vendor Referrals 2.0 offers insurers a way to control these costs while simultaneously providing their customers with a more consistent level of service. One major component of the ClaimCapture vendor program is the initial eligibility screening of claims for follow-on action. As information is gathered during a call, the system analyzes whether or not the caller qualifies for vendor services. This process is based on the type of loss, policy coverage, and eligibility rules established by the client. The other major component is the selection of the vendor. To increase success rates among its clients, Vendor Referrals 2.0 features a rules-based engine designed to meet each client’s unique needs and be able to change as rapidly as conditions do. Defining a vendor network, for instance, is as easy as importing that client’s list or utilizing the network of vendors populated by First Notice Systems’ partners. A hybrid model is also possible whereby clients rely on their own negotiated lists for the majority of claims and only tap the First Notice Systems network to fill in areas where their own network does not reach.