CPCU Job Network

July 22, 2002

The CPCU Society recently introduced its redesigned Web site, www.cpcusociety.org. The updated Web site corresponds with the launch of the new CPCU Job Network, an online employment resource for recruiters, employers, and CPCU Society members. The Job Network focuses on insurance-related job opportunities and provides both the employer and the job seeker with tools to manage the process.

Changes to the CPCU Society Web site include a new look and some enhancements for CPCU Society members and chapters. The site now features message boards, chat rooms, polls, calendars, daily industry news feeds, a search engine, the CPCU eJournal, (formerly the CPCU Journal), and much more.

The Job Network allows CPCU Society members to post their résumé and view and apply for insurance-related job opportunities. CPCUs can store and manage cover letters and résumés and create a Career Profile, which lets recruiters view each candidate’s career objectives and experience. The site also offers an anonymous e-mail feature, so candidates can receive and respond to messages from employers while protecting their privacy.

The site offers recruiters a specialized résumé database of experienced property and casualty insurance professionals. Recruiters can view resumes, post jobs immediately, and create and access an account to manage their recruitment activities, which are all available for a usage fee.