June 20, 2005

West Virginia workers’ compensation reforms, including the privatization of the Workers’ Compensation Commission, are a mystery to residents according to the results of a poll released by RMS Strategies.

In a telephone poll, conducted between May 11 and 18, 40 percent of West Virginians questioned said they had read, seen or heard very little about workers’ compensation reforms and 21 percent said they had heard “nothing at all.”

Based on the results of the poll, the Workers’ Compensation Commission has launched a seven-month long educational program to educate the public about the reforms and what effect privatization will have on them.

Andrew Wessels, director of corporate affairs for the Workers’ Compensation Commission, said that other research has shown similar results.

According to the poll of 401 registered voters, more than half said they have a very or somewhat favorable opinion of the reforms, while 25 percent reported a somewhat or very unfavorable opinion.

Though respondents said they generally supported the reforms, 46 percent said they oppose making the system a private company, as it will become the first day of 2006. The company will sell workers’ compensation insurance to businesses. The premiums paid will go into a fund available to pay workers for possible injuries sustained on the job.