May 9, 2005

The Austin, Texas-based Center for Economic Justice, a nonprofit consumer advocacy organization, released a statement lauding North Dakota Insurance Commissioner Jim Poolman for his efforts on behalf of insurance consumers.

“CEJ often criticizes state insurance commissioners for not doing enough to protect consumers from insurance abuses,” Executive Director Birny Birnbaum said in the statement. “We are happy to praise the work of North Dakota Insurance Commissioner Jim Poolman for his efforts and accomplishments in stopping some of the most unfair insurer practices.”

Birnbaum cited Poolman’s action on unfair auto and homeowners insurance claims settlement practices. Poolman developed and worked with the legislature this year to pass Senate Bill 2186, which stops insurers from canceling or surcharging policies for consumers making an inquiry to their insurer or for filing a claim because of a weather catastrophe.

“Although SB 2186 seems to contain a series of common sense consumer protections, thanks to Commissioner Poolman, North Dakota consumers now enjoy more protection against these types of unfair claims practices by insurers than consumers in any other state,” Birnbaum said.

The group also commended Poolman’s efforts in North Dakota and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners to curtail abusive sales of annuities to senior citizens, credit insurance “rip-offs,” and abusive small face life insurance sales.