April 18, 2005

The Alabama Independent Insur-ance Agents association held ribbon-cutting and grand opening ceremonies March 30 to formally dedicate its new building at 141 London Parkway in Birmingham, Ala. The day’s activities included a prayer to dedicate the building, a ribbon cutting and the dedication of the Sarah Tharpe Garden and Grounds, followed by a reception.

Reverend Dr. Hughey Reynolds of Highlands United Methodist Church in Birmingham gave the benediction. Guests included current members, retired honorary members, past presidents and past staff members. Former AIIA staff member Sarah Tharpe, for whom the garden, patio area and grounds were named, was present for the ceremonies. Tharpe served the AIIA for 36 years in many capacities.

In a touching speech, Tharpe thanked members for happy memories and for bringing much joy to her career. Looking at the building, she raised her arms in the air and said, “Isn’t it just beautiful!”

The new building stands out due to the vast parking it has availabile, expanded facilities and a stately and upscale new office. “When you walk in, it is very impressive,” John Primm of Stead & Fuller said.

Funding for the building was donated by AIIA agency and company members, the Young Agents group and parties once connected with the association’s 109-year history. As of April 1 the Capital Campaign Drive raised more than $816,000; dedicated members also oversaw the building process.