March 7, 2005

Acting New Jersey Gov. Richard J. Codey appointed Donald Bryan, director of the Division of Insurance, to head the Department of Banking and Insurance. Bryan replaces Holly Bakke, who resigned as commissioner after three years. By appointing an acting commissioner, Codey bypassed the need to have the state Senate sign off on his choice for the job.

Bryan has been with the department since 1982 and has served as the insurance division’s director since 1999. Bryan previously served as acting commissioner from October 2001 to February 2002, just before Bakke was appointed by then-Gov. James E. McGreevey.

“I look forward to building on our department’s great success,” Bryan said. “I will continue the progress we have made on creating a competitive insurance marketplace for providers and customers; and will continue our regulation of the state’s financial institutions and real estate industry. I am very grateful for this opportunity.”