February 7, 2005

Lt. Gov. Mary Fallin and Senate Republican leaders, joined by several Oklahoma doctors and business leaders, called for meaningful lawsuit reform during the 2005 legislative session. Calling the reform pushed by Democratic Gov. Brad Henry last year “watered-down,” the Repub-lican lawmakers said as far as they are concerned there is no moratorium on further lawsuit reform. The Oklahoma Medical Association reportedly has said it will not push for further reforms this year.

Senate Republican Leader Glenn Coffee, R-Oklahoma City, said Senate Republicans are coordinating with House Republican leaders on Speaker Todd Hiett’s comprehensive lawsuit reform bill, which will be unveiled soon. Major points of the bill include: Hard cap of $300,000 on non-economic damages; Eliminating the “deep pockets” rule, also known as joint and several liability; Stopping the double collection of damages by eliminating the collateral source rule; Prohibiting forum shopping; Limiting attorneys’ fees; and Protecting educators from frivolous lawsuits.