January 24, 2005

The Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas insurance departments announced their states have reached settlement agreements with UnumProvident insurance companies, which requires a re-evaluation of certain consumer-disputed disability insurance claims. The agreement could affect more than 2,000 Arkansans, some 10,000 Louisianians and 33,000-plus Texans. Under the agreements, consumers who filed claims during a specified period and which claims yielded unsatisfactory results can have those claims reassessed. The companies participating in the multi-state settlement agreement include: Unum Life Insurance Company of America; The Paul Revere Life Insurance Company; Provident Life and Accident Insurance Company; and Provident Life and Casualty Insurance Company. The companies will be reviewing denied claims dating back as far as 1997. Insurance consumers, who had disability claims denied by the UnumProvident companies since January 2000, should receive a notice from the company advising them of their options to have those claims reassessed. However, the companies have made provisions for consumers with denied claims in 1997 through 1999. Consumers are not required to accept the companies’ offer for claims reassessment. Participation in the settlement agreement is strictly voluntary, including any acceptance of settlement offers. After claims have been reheard, consumers maintain the right to accept or reject UnumProvident’s offer. If offers from the companies are not accepted, consumers also retain the right to pursue legal action against the companies. Unum-Provident consumers may call the company’s toll free number, (866) 278-4641, with questions regarding the settlement agreement.