The Rhode Island General Assembly recessed on June 26, after approving dozens of bills that included health insurance reforms, a delay in lead paint mandates for landlords and development of a new capital city hotel. Lawmakers won’t be away long, however. Gov. Don Carcieri has promised at least three vetoes—on the $5.9 billion state budget, a casino bill and the new hotel—that would bring the legislature back into session for override votes. Both chambers approved increased state oversight of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island, which was criticized earlier this year for poor management. Lawmakers have also approved creating a state health-insurance commissioner. A one-year delay in implementing lead paint mandates, until July 1, 2005, was approved, to give owners of old housing units more time to prepare. The legislation, approved two years ago, covers apartments and housing units built before 1978. When property is transferred, landlords would be required to conduct inspections and meet a timetable for cleaning up hazards.