New Jersey Gov. James E. McGreavey’s Task Force on Motor Vehicle Fines has called for adjustments to the penalties for not having proper insurance under the current Auto Insurance Reform Law. After the auto reform law went into effect, there were complaints over the size of some of the penalties from motorists and reports that police were reluctant to write tickets since some penalties were so costly. McGreavey set up the task force to evaluate the penalties contained in the reform. The task force report calls for reductions in certain fines, written notices as to the consequences of not having insurance, and a public awareness campaign. For example, at present, the fine for not having a driver’s license, registration and insurance card is $176 for each document. The task force recommends separating the fine for failing to possess a driver’s license and registration card from the fine for failure to possess proper insurance credentials. The new recommended fine for not possessing the appropriate driver’s license and/or valid registration card ranges from not less than $50 and would not be more than $150. The task force is suggesting an $80 fine for non-possession of a driver’s license and valid registration card. The task force recommends the fine for failure to possess the appropriate insurance documents be $105.