June 7, 2004

Connecticut doctors who plan to charge an extra $500 to deliver babies because of skyrocketing malpractice insurance costs may be breaking the law, warned Attorney General Richard Blumenthal. Women’s Health Connecticut, a group of 150 obstetricians and gynecologists in 27 practices, said that it would impose a $500 surcharge on pregnant women after Sept. 1 with the money going into a fund to pay malpractice costs. Blumenthal said such a fee may violate bans against imposing charges that either Medicaid or a private insurance plans do not cover. Doctors in Fairfield County also are seeking Blumenthal’s advice on their plan to charge patients for a variety of administrative services including prescription refills, e-mail communications, appointment cancellations and filling out forms for children’s sports. The doctors’ actions came after Gov. John G. Rowland vetoed malpractice legislation because the bill that passed the General Assembly did not include any caps on awards.