Case and demographic data are now available for Louisiana work-related injuries and illnesses that occurred in 2002 and required days away from work. These findings are from an annual survey of occupational injuries and illnesses conducted by the Louisiana Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety & Health Unit in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Each year the survey consists of a randomly selected sample of private sector employers across the state. According to the survey, sprains and strains accounted for the greatest proportion (42.6 percent) of work-related injuries and illnesses that required days away from work in Louisiana for 2002. The trunk, which includes the chest, back, abdomen, pelvic region, etc. experienced 35.6 percent of injuries and illnesses. The back, specifically, accounted for 23.1 percent. The leading source of injuries and illnesses for 2002 was floors, walkways and ground surfaces at 19.3 percent. Parts and materials followed with 12.7 percent. Contact with objects and equipment was the leading event with 26.2 percent of all cases with days away from work for 2002; overexertion was second at 23.7 percent. Operators, fabricators and laborers—at 39 percent—made up the leading occupational group with injuries and illnesses for 2002 that required days away from work. White, non-Hispanics accounted for the 42.6 percent of injuries and illnesses, followed by Black, non-Hispanic with 29.1 percent. The 25 to 34 age group accounted for 29.3 percent of the injuries and illnesses in 2002. Next were the 35 to 44 year olds with 28.9 percent. The “1 to 5 years” range in length of service with an employer had 32.3 percent, followed by the “More than 5 years” range with 26.5 percent. Men had a disproportionate share of the work-related injuries and illnesses for 2002, accounting for 68.6 percent of all lost time cases.