September 16, 2002

The California Workers’ Compensation Institute will hold a one-day seminar in October at three locations to help workers’ compensation professionals prepare for the statutory and regulatory changes
brought about by passage of AB 749, the $2.4 billion benefit increase bill signed by Governor Davis earlier this year. Many of the provisions of AB 749, including the first phase of benefit increases, are slated to take effect Jan. 1, 2003. The seminar will review benefit levels and
payment issues, earnings issues, questions regarding eligibility and the potential for litigation; changes affecting medical care and treatment costs (including changes in the primary treater’s
presumption, HCO’s and medical confidentiality); issues surrounding the settlement of vocational rehabilitation and return to work programs; and administrative issues such as changes in the state’s audit and benefit notice requirements. Proposed regulations that will
impact implementation of the statute are still being fleshed out, and the state has scheduled public hearings on several proposals next month. That leaves claims administrators and others who need to understand and implement the changes little lead-time to familiarize themselves with the new statutory and regulatory revisions, adjust their systems, and train staff. The Institute will present the AB 749 seminar from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., on Oct. 21 in Irvine, Calif.;
Oct. 22 in Woodland Hills, Calif.; and Oct. 23 in San Francisco. The cost, including all course materials and a luncheon, is $295 for CWCI non-members, $195 for CWCI members, and $175 for CWCI member company employees who register 3 or more attendees together with
a single payment postmarked or transmitted by Sept. 27. For more information visit or call Mel Long at 510-663-1063.